Bright Here Bright Now Scarf

Introducing Bright Here Bright Now Scarf! Grab your favorite 6 color combo of fluffy yarn, cast on and knit! This project is perfect for travel knitting, tv knitting, or knitting with friends, because you just cast on and knit! Wherever you choose to knit yours, you’ll have a hard time only knitting one!

For my version I chose the following colors of Dimond Laine Birdie; Vintage, Lean-to, Bakelite, Emme, Sweet Tart, and Trippy! The Lamb & Kid will have Birdie kits for Bright Here Bright Now Scarf available on their website. Kits will include: my version, Sarah’s version (which if you haven’t seen her photos on Instagram you must check hers out!), and a mystery option-because really who doesn’t love a good mystery???!!!

Bright Here Bright Now Scarf pattern can be purchased on Ravelry and Payhip.

P.S. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post where I’m going to share how to take your Bright Here Bright Now Scarf and kick it up a notch! I’ll share a peek at what it is below-but believe me you’re going to want to do this to all of your fluffy knits from now on!